Form Builder

Municipal Services

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Dog Registration  

Please read the below information before proceeding.

Fees: $30.00 each (new and renewal)

Payment: Online payment is now available. Once you have submitted your form, you can process your payment immediately.

Questions: If you have any questions or require assistance, please call one of our Customer Service Represenatives at 519-326-5761.

Tags: As of 2019, all dog tags are permanent for the lifetime of your dog. Your dog should have a tag with a four-digit number and the tag should not have a year. You will not receive a new tag unless you are registering a dog for the first time or require a replacement.


Dog Owner Information

Change of Information

Please use the text box below to note any information that has changed since the last time you registered your dog(s). Examples include but are not limited to a change in personal information such as your address or telephone number or a change in the ownership status of a dog such as a transfer or loss.

If the dog you are registering is considered one of the following, please contact Leamington's Legislative Services Department for further registration of the dog at 519-326-5761.

 A Pit Bull Terrier; a Staffordshire Bull Terrier; an American Pit Bull Terrier; or a dog that has an appearance or physical characteristics substantially similar to any of those dogs.

Disclaimer: By signing below, I confirm that the dog(s) I am registering is not any of the above:

  1.  A Pit Bull Terrier;
  2.  A Staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  3.  An American Staffordshire Terrier;
  4.  An American Pit Bull Terrier; or
  5.  A dog that has an appearance and or physical characteristics substantially similar to the above dogs.

Privacy Statement: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act 2001 P.S.O. c45 and By-law 668-06 being a By-law to provide for the regulation and registration of dogs in the Municipality of Leamington. This information will be used for keeping records and the issuances of Dog Licences, and also for contacting owners in the event of lost dogs or dogs at large. Questions about the collection of this information can be directed to the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk, Municipality of Leamington, 111 Erie Street North, ON N8H 2Z9. 519-326-5761.


© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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