Application for Kennel Registration
Please read the below information before proceeding.
Fees: Licence Fee $125.00 (HST included)
Payment: Online payment is now available. Please note a convenience fee will be added to the total on your invoice. Once you have submitted your form, you can process your payment immediately.
Questions: If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the Licensing Assistant by email or by phone 519-326-5761 ext. 1120.
Dog Kennel means any building, part of a building or area used for keeping dogs that are registered or eligible for registration under the Animal Pedigree Act R.S.C., 1985, c.8 (4th Supp.) and means a kennel of pure-bred dogs registered in the Register of the Canadian Kennel Club; The American Kennel Club; The Field Dog Stud Book or the United Kennel Club
Boarding Kennel means a building or portion of a building, structure or outdoor area intended for the purpose of feeding, housing or otherwise caring for dogs for remuneration, but does not include a dog kennel.
Kennel Information
Applicant Information
I/We hereby acknowledge that I/we have been provided with a copy of and have read and understand the regulations as set out in Municipality of Leamington By-law Number 668-06, as amended being a by-law to provide for the regulation and registration of dogs.
Privacy Statement: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 P.S.O. c.45, and will be used to administer its Kennel Registration Application form. Questions about the collection of this information can be directed to the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk, Municipality of Leamington, 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, N8H 2Z9, Telephone: 519-326-5761.
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