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Oversized Load Permit Application


Municipality of Leamington Oversized Load Permit Application

Please read the below information before proceeding.


 An Oversized Load Permit is required  for anyone wishing to operate or transport oversized vehicles, loads and otherwise non—conforming vehicle configurations on municipal roadways, which fall outside the prescribed limits of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990 and subsidiary regulations. An Oversized Load Permit is required to ensure the safe transportation of these vehicles while protecting the interests and safety of the public as well as municipal roadways and infrastructure. Anyone wishing to operate or transport oversized or overweight vehicles and loads on municipal owned roadways requires a permit issued from the Municipality of Leamington, Engineering Department.

What is an Oversized Load?

An Oversized Load meets one of the following criteria:

  • Load is wider than 2.6m or 8.5ft
  • Combination Truck and Load is longer than 23m or 75.46ft
  • Load Height is greater than 4.15m or 13.5ft
  • Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) exceeds 36,364kg or 80,000lbs.

Note: Securities may be required if a load is greater than 6m or 19.69ft; longer than 45.75m or 150.1ft, or Gross Vehicle Weight (GVVV) is greater than 120,000kg or 264,000lbs. Securities will be used to ensure that all work is completed satisfactory to Municipality of Leamington’s approval. This work shall include but is not limited to regulatory road signs, 911 signs and mailboxes.

Applicants should be aware that if any works proposed in Provincial or County rights of way, they must obtain the necessary permits from those authorities.

Oversized Load Permit requires the identification of a specific route as well as the product being moved prior to approval from the Municipality of Leamington.

Conditions contained on all permits must be strictly adhered to. This permit may be terminated for breach of any condition and the permit holder may be subject to prosecution.

Fees: In accordance with By-Law 78—23 applicants shall pay a non-refundable fee of $265.00 plus HST for each Municipal Oversized Load Permit application.

Payment: Online payment is available. Please note a convenience fee will be added to the total on your invoice. Once you have submitted your form, you can process your payment immediately.

Questions: If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the Engineering Department by email or by phone 519-326-5761 ext. 1315.

Contractor Information

Building Owner Information

Moving Date Requested

Route Details

Indicate below the entire proposed route in Essex County. Routes must specify a starting location and end location including directional indicators (north, south, east, west) for all provincial highways and municipal roads and jurisdictions.

The Municipality of Leamington asks that you follow the Heavy Truck Routes wherever possible when moving heavy loads. If this is not possible, please explain why in your plan. Click here to see the Heavy Truck Routes

If start and end locations are within the Municipality of Leamington a Demolition Permit (Building Department) and Planning Confirmation of Landing Location (Planning Department) must be submitted prior to permit issuance.

Property Owner notifications are necessary when personal property is to be removed and reinstalled. (i.e.. mailboxes, business signs, 911 signs, etc.) The Applicant must ensure that communication with each and every Property Owner is adhered to 24 hours prior to the move in the Municipality of Leamington.

It is understood that this route will contain municipal roads; however, it may contain Essex County roads and MTO roads and additional permits may be required for these sections. If you cross the road and/or require removal of signs or infrastructure, these permits will be required for County of Essex and MTO roadways.

Route Details must include Pilot Car Service and/or OPP, traffic control details for intersections and any special instructions for safe journey from start to finish.

 Links to Additional Permits if Required:



Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif


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Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif

Description of Vehicle

Please provide your vehicle details below:

Axle Spacing and Load Sketch

Please provide your Axle Spacing and Load Sketch if GVW exceeds 36,364 kg. Click here to view and download a template for your Axle Spacing and Load Sketch.


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif

Insurance Attachments

Please upload your insurance attachment document below.

NOTE: A Certificate of Insurance naming the Municipality of Leamington as an additional insured must be submitted with the permit application. The certificate should state a minimum of $5,000,000 auto and general liability coverage, including a cross liability clause and a 30—day the Municipality of Leamington requirements before the permit will be approved.


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif

Overall Dimension of Vehicle with Load

Private Escort Requirement

Required if load width and / or load length is within the dimensions identified below or as required by the Municipality of Leamington.

Load Width: 3.8 - 5.0 metres

Load Length: 36.75 - 43.75 metres

Private Escort Required?

Police Escort Requirement

Required if load width and / or load length dimensions exceed those outlined for private escorts or as required by the Municipality of Leamington.

Police Escort Required?

Additional Permit Upload as Required


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif


Allowed extensions pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif

Special Considerations

In consideration of granting this permission, The Applicant hereby covenants and agrees to save harmless and indemnify the Municipality of Leamington from and against all losses or damages and from all actions or claims which may be brought or made against the Municipality by reason of such work being done or resulting there from in any way.

Where the moving of any building along Municipal roads shall require the arrangements of any wire or cable along the said roads, the applicant shall serve written notice to the Authorities controlling such services and make arrangements for the isolation of said infrastructure. The Applicant shall assume payments of expenses agreed upon by the applicant and the said Authorities.

The Applicant agrees to do all the work and everything incidental in accordance with the instructions of the Municipality of Leamington, Engineering Department with all possible diligence in a timely matter.

The Applicant further agrees that upon failure to comply with the above provisions, the permission granted may be withdrawn or cancelled without notice by the Municipality of Leamington.


I agree that the information provided above is accurate and ready for review by the Municipality of Leamington.


Privacy Statement:  Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 P.S.O. c.45, and will be used to administer its Oversized Load Permit form.  Questions about the collection of this information can be directed to the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk, Municipality of Leamington, 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, N8H 2Z9, Telephone: 519-326-5761.


© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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